My Publications
Click on the boxes below to see all of my research to date.
"Optimizing metaproteomics database construction: lessons from a study of the vaginal microbiome"
First-name author article from my graduate work in the Fredricks Lab, published in the journal mSystems.
We compared different strategies for building a protein sequence database in order to maximize data from metaproteomics,
and found that including both public proteins and proteins translated from metagenomic sequencing of samples produced the most identifications.
(Link to mSystems website)
"Rapid Evolution of Primate Type 2 Immune Response Factors Linked to Asthma Susceptibility"
An article from the Elde Lab that I contributed to, published in the journal Genome Biology and Evolution.
In the paper, we show that a number of proteins involved in the type 2 immune response pathway have been under strong positive selection.
(Link to GBE website)
Honors Thesis:
"Insights into Major Basic Protein Function from Evolutionary Analysis"
"Insights into Major Basic Protein Function from Evolutionary Analysis"
My undergraduate honors thesis, published in the University of Utah Undergraduate Research Journal.
This paper is a deep dive into the evolutionary history of Eosinophil Major Basic Protein, the immune factor
I spent most of my time studying in the Elde Lab, and its broader role in immunity.
University of Utah Human Genetics Department Retreat Poster:
"Signs of Molecular Arms Races in Immune Genes"
"Signs of Molecular Arms Races in Immune Genes"
A poster I presented at the annual Human Genetics Department Retreat during my senior year of college.
"Sticky Slides" Demonstration Video
An Augmented Reality game on iOS where the player shoots blobs of glue at microbes to stick them to microscope slides.
Part of the program I helped design and implement while interning at ARUP Laboratories during the summer of 2018.
Augmented Reality Robot Demonstration Video
Part of the work I did as a graduate research assistant in the Schneider Lab at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
My project involved developing an augmented reality system for the Microsoft Hololens to help visualize sensor values from
a little computer called a Gogo Board. This video shows a robot we built that demonstrates some of the AR visualizations.
"What I did in Germany"
An informal blog post explaining the research I did while working at the Max Planck Institute in Germany.
I was a very small part of the MPI's broader goal to create a completely artificial cell, which scientists
could use as a basic biological "chassis" for future biotech research. My primary focus was
establishing a microfluidics system to reliably create microscopic vesicles.